Incoming doula rant

 about informed consent

I am so sick and tired of health care professionals in the birth space NOT using informed consent. It is a best lazy and at worst – illegal. All healthcare practitioners have been trained in this and not doing it is unacceptable.

These things are NOT informed consent:

I’m just going to do a vaginal exam

I’m just going to do a vaginal exam (also does stretch and sweep with out mentioning it)

I’ve just booked you for an induction on this date

I’m just going to pop this canula in

Little prick in your thigh ( as they give you an injection for Syntometrine for active management of third stage that you put on your birth plan you didnt want)

This is informed consent: (at a minimum – there are more comprehensive versions)

Kate, I would like to do a vaginal exam for these reasons a/b/c. The way I would do it is ….

The other choice is…. (informed choice)

Do you have any questions?

Is it ok if I go ahead?

Your possible answers:

Yes that is fine

I’m undecided, can you give me more information please.

I’m undecided, can I have some more time to think?

No thank you

Them: But…but…

You: No thank you I am happy with my decision. OR

Maybe: No thank you I am happy with my decision and you can ask me again in an hour

And a yes by coercion is NOT informed consent either.

It is not up to you to justify your reason for saying no – it is up to the provider to explain why a procedure is important.

I would encourage you to know your choices in pregnancy, labour and birth.

Trying to google risk/benefits of active management of third stage of labour is not the vibe and it is harder to be an active participant in the choices if they are unfamiliar to you.

You dont have choices if you dont know what they are. Take childbirth education classes outside the hospital for a more comprehensive learning experience – there are lots mentioned on this FB page.

And I will say of course this is not ALL providers. I was at WCH last week and witness the most impressive informed consent and respectful conversation around birth choices that I may have ever seen – it was seriously good enough for a training video for students and grads – LOL.

SO it is possible and it is out there but you need to be prepared if you get a less great team around you. If you are feeling rushed/not listened to try saying:

“I need you to explain each procedure before you do it and the reasons why you need to do it – I will let you know if I am ok for you to go ahead. ” It sets the scene for how things will go in your birth space.

We know that birth trauma occurs not because of how a birth necessarily unfolded but how you were made to feel during the experience.

Hope this might help some people entering the birth space for the first time.

I would love to hear about other experiences with consent if you wish to share. xoxo

[Some of these opinions and experiences are mine – yours may be different and that is ok. Some of this information is legally correct and not up to interpretation]
